Kayaking from Juan de Fuca Cottages
Sequim Kayaking
Kayaking near Juan de Fuca Cottages in Sequim offers breathtaking views of the Olympic Mountains, encounters with local wildlife, and options for varied skill levels. Paddle through Sequim Bay or visit landmarks like Dungeness Spit. Our private beach provides easy access to launch your kayak to discover Dungeness Bay or head to Dungeness Lighthouse.

Kayaking near Sequim offers a unique blend of natural beauty and diverse experiences that make it a lot of fun
Stunning Scenery: The area is surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, from the Olympic Mountains to the serene waters of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Paddling in these environments offers a sense of tranquility and awe.
Wildlife Encounters: You can encounter a variety of wildlife, including seals, otters, and various bird species like eagles and herons. If you’re lucky, you might even spot porpoises or whales in the nearby waters.
Diverse Waterways: Whether you prefer the calm waters of Sequim Bay, the expansive Lake Crescent, or the dynamic coastal waters around Dungeness Spit, there’s something for every type of kayaker!
Historic Landmarks: Paddling near places like the Dungeness Spit offers a chance to see the historic Dungeness Lighthouse up close, adding a historical touch to your adventure.
Peaceful Environment: The relative seclusion of many kayaking spots near Sequim allows for a peaceful and meditative experience, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Juan de Fuca Kayaks Rentals In the Sequim Bay
On our private beach we have a boat launch next to our boathouse, which houses eight kayaks and two paddle boards. With the rental comes life vests and water shoes. Go out for a couple of hours and stay close to the cottages waterfront, or go for the day and make a trip out to the Dungeness Lighthouse, make sure and count how many seals you see on your trip! See Rental Pricing & Details
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- John Doe